Apparently my love for myself has gone to the wind as it is NONEXISTENT. I hate myself when I binge, and yet, I still do it. Why?! Starting right now, this is the new self. I am determined to keep on track, to stay in control, and to make sure that I do not binge. My rules are tighter, stricter, better. I will:-Never eat more than 50 cal before 1pm
-Never eat anything after 8pm
-Never eat more than 500 cal a day (and if I do, I make sure that at the end of the day, less than 500 were actually kept in my body)
-Avoid the kitchen area as much as possible
-Only allow myself to go to bed once I have: had at least 6 glasses of water and have completed 50+ crunches
GAH! By Valentine's day I better be at my goal weight! I wish the best for all of you! (Warning: reverse thinspo... SOOO nasty!)
(pictures courtesy of google, flickr,
Stay strong,