Sunday, May 17, 2009


Sorry for the lack of posts! I know, I know.. its become a bad pattern of no posts and so much NON-daily thinspo on The Thin Daily! I'm just so  super busy right now it's not even funny. I'll get back into the swing of daily posts eventually...
Miranda looking gorgeously thin!
Carry on beauties,


  1. omg ure completely obsessed!!!i mean thin is good but ure not supposed to try that hard to be like them i dont get it?? and i dont think ure overweight or anything??

  2. omg ure completely ignorant!!!

    Okay, first of all, thank you for posting your thoughts on my blog. I do encourage any and every body to share their thoughts, so thanks for doing just that. But, I do think it's rude to judge somebody that you so blatantly don't know and don't relate to: you have no right to deem anybody "obsessed" or to tell them that "ure not supposed to try that hard to be like them." It is very clear that you "dont get it." So for your sake and for the sake of other ignorant people like you, I will explain.

    This blog is a thinspiration blog. I post pictures of thin, pretty people for the purpose of motivation. I do not know nor care how you choose to be motivated by the pictures. If you have an ED and use them as motivation, wonderful. If you are overweight and wish to slim down or get in shape, and use them as motivation, wonderful. If you are dieting and use them as motivation, wonderful. I don't care in what context you use them. That is completely up to the reader's/ viewer's discretion and their own personal beliefs. After all, who am I to impose my way of life, my goals, and my beliefs on anybody else? And the same goes for you. I am allowed to live my life as I wish, and so are you. So don't tell me "I'm not supposed to try that hard to be like them." Because, who are you to tell me how to live my life?

    As for my weight, I have not posted any photos of myself on this blog, thus I do not know how exactly you would know if I am "overweight or anything." But to answer your question: No, I am not overweight, and thanks for running the stats. Just a little hint, you do not have to be overweight to want to or to be able to lose weight.

    So please, next time you wish to share your thoughts, try to be a little more considerate and conscientious.

  3. i'm sorry i didn't know you would take it this seriously. you've put up your height and weight so that's how i got an idea of what your body looks like. i honestly didn't mean to be insulting but i guess i was. i just meant to say that you should be happy with the way you are because to me, your understanding of slim is skinny-again, don't get me wrong- and i am not telling you how to live your life! if this is a blog open to the world, so should you be open to different opinions. i might have exaggerated in my comment but it isn't because of ignorance, i do care about how you feel and i didn't mean to be rude. i tried to delete it but i don't know how so if you can, please do-this one also-

  4. Awwww, see? She said sorry. Sure it wasn't the best comment you could've gotten but not the worst, either. Peace?

  5. Haha I didn't mean to start anything here guys! I guess I'm just sick of getting crap about my eating habits and my weight goals from people around me. So much so that the initial comment just kind of put me on edge. But I do try to be open to different opinions. Actually, that is something that I like to think I am pretty good at, especially since I've moved a lot and met many different people throughout my life.

    Anyways, thank you i109 for clarifying. And I agree, I did kind of overreact. It wasn't the best but certainly not the worst.

    Peace =)

    PS- I really do like your blog i109.

  6. peace!and thanks:)

  7. hi i think its a great idea that you want to lose weight and have a blog about it i just wanted to say that in you goals you said you were 5 10 and want to weigh 125 and that's actually unhealthy for your height but 135 is good so i think you should stick to that :) i wish i was as motivated as you to lose weight i want to lose like 10 pounds but i never keep exercising long enough to lose all ten pounds and i often gain what i have lost back :(
