Saturday, January 31, 2009

Do it Right

Tomorrow is the first of February 2009. Let's start off the month on the right foot. Keep your control, we will be thin.
"Patience [perseverance] is what separates winners from whiners."

(pictures courtesy of flickr, tfs,

Stay strong,

Friday, January 30, 2009

Goodnight, She Said

I am exhausted. I'll post more, better pics tomorrow. Goodnight everyone.

(picture courtesy of ffffound)
Stay strong,

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Real World Barbies

I was thinking a little "real girl" thinspiration would be nice today. Especially since I haven't posted much of it, if any at all. The thing is, for me this kind of thinspo isn't very triggering since I don't have a normal body type to begin with. I'm of the sky-scraping club if you will. Skinny girls who are nearly 5'11" don't show up in real girl thinspo too often. Oh well, I've learned to embrace my height. It just makes finding triggering "real girl" thinspo pictures difficult. Hope you all are staying positive! You can do it!

(pictures courtesy of: flickr, google, random blogs. 
Note: if you see yourself here and would like your picture removed, 
kindly notify me and I will gladly comply.)

Stay strong,

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Where is the Love?

Apparently my love for myself has gone to the wind as it is NONEXISTENT. I hate myself when I binge, and yet, I still do it. Why?! Starting right now, this is the new self. I am determined to keep on track, to stay in control, and to make sure that I do not binge. My rules are tighter, stricter, better. I will:
-Never eat more than 50 cal before 1pm
-Never eat anything after 8pm
-Never eat more than 500 cal a day (and if I do, I make sure that at the end of the day, less than 500 were actually kept in my body)
-Avoid the kitchen area as much as possible
-Only allow myself to go to bed once I have: had at least 6 glasses of water and have completed 50+ crunches

GAH! By Valentine's day I better be at my goal weight! I wish the best for all of you! (Warning: reverse thinspo... SOOO nasty!)

(pictures courtesy of google, flickr,

Stay strong,

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Little Skin

As promised, here's some thinspo from the Victoria's Secret fashion shows of various years. Obviously because it is VS, these are a little more inappropriate for twelve year olds (whom I would hope do not read this blog anyhow...!) than other thinspo pics. I believe view at your own discretion is the right phrase here. Click to see larger versions.

(pictures courtesy of: vsholic, google, tfs,

Stay strong, Belle

Beauty Comes From Within... Sort Of

The power to be thin, to be beautiful, comes from within oneself. And sure, personality and attitude about life can be beautiful too, but true beauty, true perfection, when one is so attractive and gorgeous they're nearly divine, is definitely only based on what is seen on the outside. And let me tell you, I will be one of those beauties. Isn't that kind of beauty to die for? (And that was a rhetorical question, the answer is plainly HELL YES!) More power to you ladies! We will get there!

(pictures courtesy of ffffound, flickr, weheartit, tfs)

Stay strong, Belle

Monday, January 26, 2009

Run a Little More, A Little Faster

I forgot this picture! I guess I could put it in with my next post of Victoria Secret runway thinspo but I'm liking it too much to lump it in with others.

"What doesn't kill us makes us who we are" - Motion City Soundtrack (It Had To Be You)

This is Your Wake Up Call

Sorry I have been M.I.A. for past two days or so! I've unfortunately been too busy to get on here and post anything. But to make up for it, I'm posting a bunch of RUNWAY thinspo today! This week end was baaaadddd. I ate way too much. And so this week it's back to restricting, fasting, purging, and drinking massive amounts of water. I will make my goal. By Sunday I hope to be 128 but DEFINITELY 130 at the most. I know I can do it. Keep control, stay strong ladies! Best of luck to you all no matter what diet plan you follow or what lifestyle you choose. Remember, click the pictures to see bigger versions!

(pictures courtesy of

Stay strong, Belle