Tuesday, April 21, 2009

An Apple A Day..

Should keep the weight away. But we'll see. Today was the first day of the apple plan. And let me tell you, it felt really good. The starting weight is (ugh GROSS, I know [that's why I'm doing something about it!]) 145 lbs. My next weigh in will be Monday afternoon. Today I went to my new gym and did 11 miles of bike cardio with 301 cal burned. Woohoo.. felt great! And thanks for the encouraging comments everyone! They're actually a big thinspiration for me. I can only hope that this blog thinspires those of you who use motivation just as much as I do!

(ffffound, perfect thinspiration, corbis, flickr, style.com, 
Stay strong & carry on,


  1. Good luck with the apple diet :)

    P.s: The thinspo on this site is incredible!

  2. Wonderful thinspo as always!
    I love when ribs are visible!

  3. Alissia- Thanks! And same to you and your weight goals!

    Musidora- Thank you! I do try to put up thinspo that is somewhat related to the other ones in the same post. But ribs are definitely a fav!

    TenderSlim- No prob! =)
