Monday, April 20, 2009

Push Me, Baby

This week end was decent on the food (and lack there of) scale. But now it's time to get back to hardcore weight loss. I am going to cut an apple into quarters every morning, and eat 1/4 of it every 2 hours. By the time that I get home in the afternoon I will be done with the apple and I will have spaced out the food so as to keep my metabolism up. (Thanks to TenderSlim for the advice). I will eat this apple and, when my mom forces me to eat with her, the smallest portion of dinner possible, and that's it. For the entire week. I am joining a new gym tonight. I plan on going 4 days a week plus treadmilling it every day I don't go to the gym for at least 2.5 miles. And of course the usual yoga and 75 crunches. This. Had. Better. Work. Dammit!

PS- I decided I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow when I get home and then I will weigh myself at the end of this "apple" fast, after 7 days of hard work. Who knows, maybe I'll extend it another week if I show true progress. Wish me luck!

(ffffound, mirandakerronline,,
Stay strong & carry on,


  1. Good Luck! You'll lose tons this wk I know it!

  2. So glad you're going for the very litte and often routine thing Belle, I'm sure you'll find it works :^) I don't know about you but if I were to eat, say, an apple for dinner and that was it all day I wouldn't be as hungry as if I had a quarter of an apple four times a day, and I think that's a good thing - it means your tummy is wanting food and therefore burning it off elsewhere! I know the calories are all the same at the end of the day, but keeping up the metabolism is super-key (i know you know, I think I'm preaching to myself a little too). I had a good day today (calorie wise) and it is so easy to think 'just one more hour, just one more hour until I eat' and then it's 4pm and you've hardly eaten all day and if you are going to eat, it's best to wait until dinner time when people can 'witness' it! LOL! Why is this stuff never easy?! :^} Would totally be interested to see how you keep going, so I'll watch this space! All the best and I KNOW you can do it!
