Thursday, April 23, 2009

Show a Little Leg

Today was good so far. Not GREAT but pretty damn good. I had the apple and 100 cal of cheerios. I'm hoping my mom won't make me eat dinner with her but even if I have to eat a little portion, tomorrow I will do better. Let me know how you all are doing on your own personal diets and weight goals! I really would love to hear from you guys.
Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can.
Rule your mind or it will rule you. - Horace

(ffffound, flickr, perfect thinspo, the skinny site, google)
Stay strong & carry on,


  1. Hi Belle,
    I'm glad to reading that your plan going well!
    Is a stupid question perhaps, but how can you eat so little?
    Have you never had afraid to binge after?
    Or to stop your metabolism?

    I'm note that also you like to post "thematic thinspo" :-)

    Best wishes


  2. Hi there!
    I'm probably not the best person to ask since I have had trouble with restricting and binging. I notice that I go through periods where I restrict and eat very little, and I can do it without a problem, but then I usually start a binge craze after a month or two and gain most of the weight back.
    But that's all going to change.

    To some degree, it's a mind set. You have to be willing to only eat that little, and you have to tell yourself you are strong enough not to binge afterwards. Keeping yourself distracted is also a great strategy if you feel like you're in for a binge.

    But really, what do I know. Right now I haven't been losing like I want so my best advice is really just to pay attention to your own body and figure out exactly how much food you need to get what you want-- to satisfy hunger and feel full or to be hungry and lose weight is essentially what it boils down to.

    I'm glad you like the thematic thinspo and thank you for the comment!
    Good luck and best wishes to you too!

