Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Save Me, I'm Lost

So here's the update. Last week felt spectacular. I followed my apple diet pretty damn well and I weighed myself on Monday... I expected at least a good 4 lbs lost but realistically I could have lost way more than that. Turns out I lost ONLY 2 POUNDS!!! GAH!!! So I've decided it's my metabolism that's screwing me over. I have been restricting for these on and off periods too frequently for my metabolism to raise up even though I exercise for 2 hours daily. So this week I told myself I was going to allow myself to eat a little more than usual so that I can get my metabolism up again and then I'll cut off my intake after steady exercise & healthy food.

Well, I've been horrible. Totally horrible. My days ALWAYS start off really good. I have the 1/4 apple around 730am, another 1/4 around 10am, another 1/4 around 1pm, and the last 1/4 around 230pm. But then as soon as I get home and I near the kitchen, all hell breaks loose. Seriously. I eat dried fruit, cheerios, and PEANUT BUTTER (for pete's sake!) like there's no tomorrow. I KNOW that I have more self control than this, and I want to lose weight more than anything. I think I need a simple, straight forward plan. No twists and turns. Just simple rules to follow that make themselves easy to follow (if you know what I mean). Tomorrow will be an adjustment day and Friday, the first of the new month, I will begin to follow these eating rules:

1. Restricted fasting times: no food from 3-6pm, no food after 8pm
2. Additional Restricted foods: nuts, peanut butter, dried fruit, breads, sugar
3. Kitchen Quarantine: As soon as I get home on week days, I must avoid the kitchen. I will go around it, never through it. Thus making it impossible to break the afternoon restricted fasting time.
4. Safe foods: pickles, mustard, lettuce, cucumber, WATER, one apple a day, unsweetened tea
5. Continue 1/4 apple plan

That's it. Simple, to the point eating rules. Obviously I will continue to exercise daily and weigh myself. I will post my weight on this blog twice weekly.


Stay strong & carry on,

PS- No thinspo today but tomorrow I will have an extra large thinspo post for you all!


  1. Sorry to hear you had a shitty time, and I wish you well in your new week! I love your quote that you can take yourself on and win! My bet is on you - you can do it!!!

  2. This is my problem straight up!! The kitchen is always in the corner of my eye, not matter what.
