Thursday, April 30, 2009

When I Say Jump, You Say How High

Tomorrow, the first of the month, begins with an all day straight up fast. I. Will. Lose. The. Weight. Watch. Me. I'll keep you guys posted on my progress and I'll try to keep up with the daily thinspo posts better. Here's the long one I promised =)

(Project Starvation, perfect thinspo, flickr, google,

Stay strong & carry on,

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Save Me, I'm Lost

So here's the update. Last week felt spectacular. I followed my apple diet pretty damn well and I weighed myself on Monday... I expected at least a good 4 lbs lost but realistically I could have lost way more than that. Turns out I lost ONLY 2 POUNDS!!! GAH!!! So I've decided it's my metabolism that's screwing me over. I have been restricting for these on and off periods too frequently for my metabolism to raise up even though I exercise for 2 hours daily. So this week I told myself I was going to allow myself to eat a little more than usual so that I can get my metabolism up again and then I'll cut off my intake after steady exercise & healthy food.

Well, I've been horrible. Totally horrible. My days ALWAYS start off really good. I have the 1/4 apple around 730am, another 1/4 around 10am, another 1/4 around 1pm, and the last 1/4 around 230pm. But then as soon as I get home and I near the kitchen, all hell breaks loose. Seriously. I eat dried fruit, cheerios, and PEANUT BUTTER (for pete's sake!) like there's no tomorrow. I KNOW that I have more self control than this, and I want to lose weight more than anything. I think I need a simple, straight forward plan. No twists and turns. Just simple rules to follow that make themselves easy to follow (if you know what I mean). Tomorrow will be an adjustment day and Friday, the first of the new month, I will begin to follow these eating rules:

1. Restricted fasting times: no food from 3-6pm, no food after 8pm
2. Additional Restricted foods: nuts, peanut butter, dried fruit, breads, sugar
3. Kitchen Quarantine: As soon as I get home on week days, I must avoid the kitchen. I will go around it, never through it. Thus making it impossible to break the afternoon restricted fasting time.
4. Safe foods: pickles, mustard, lettuce, cucumber, WATER, one apple a day, unsweetened tea
5. Continue 1/4 apple plan

That's it. Simple, to the point eating rules. Obviously I will continue to exercise daily and weigh myself. I will post my weight on this blog twice weekly.


Stay strong & carry on,

PS- No thinspo today but tomorrow I will have an extra large thinspo post for you all!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Show a Little Leg

Today was good so far. Not GREAT but pretty damn good. I had the apple and 100 cal of cheerios. I'm hoping my mom won't make me eat dinner with her but even if I have to eat a little portion, tomorrow I will do better. Let me know how you all are doing on your own personal diets and weight goals! I really would love to hear from you guys.
Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can.
Rule your mind or it will rule you. - Horace

(ffffound, flickr, perfect thinspo, the skinny site, google)
Stay strong & carry on,

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Off to the Gym

I have to make this a quick one since I'm off to the gym as soon as I post this. But I promise I will get around to replying/ commenting back everybody who left comments on my last posts (thanks guys!). Today went super well. My intake consisted of only the apple plus a salad with homemade vinaigrette today. I sure hope the pounds are dropping. Speaking of, how are you all doing on your own diets? Exceptionally well I hope! I'd love to hear some positive news from you guys! Alright I'm off to work up a sweat at the gym. Have a great night ladies!

(, corbis, google)
Stay strong & carry on,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

An Apple A Day..

Should keep the weight away. But we'll see. Today was the first day of the apple plan. And let me tell you, it felt really good. The starting weight is (ugh GROSS, I know [that's why I'm doing something about it!]) 145 lbs. My next weigh in will be Monday afternoon. Today I went to my new gym and did 11 miles of bike cardio with 301 cal burned. Woohoo.. felt great! And thanks for the encouraging comments everyone! They're actually a big thinspiration for me. I can only hope that this blog thinspires those of you who use motivation just as much as I do!

(ffffound, perfect thinspiration, corbis, flickr,, 
Stay strong & carry on,

Monday, April 20, 2009

Push Me, Baby

This week end was decent on the food (and lack there of) scale. But now it's time to get back to hardcore weight loss. I am going to cut an apple into quarters every morning, and eat 1/4 of it every 2 hours. By the time that I get home in the afternoon I will be done with the apple and I will have spaced out the food so as to keep my metabolism up. (Thanks to TenderSlim for the advice). I will eat this apple and, when my mom forces me to eat with her, the smallest portion of dinner possible, and that's it. For the entire week. I am joining a new gym tonight. I plan on going 4 days a week plus treadmilling it every day I don't go to the gym for at least 2.5 miles. And of course the usual yoga and 75 crunches. This. Had. Better. Work. Dammit!

PS- I decided I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow when I get home and then I will weigh myself at the end of this "apple" fast, after 7 days of hard work. Who knows, maybe I'll extend it another week if I show true progress. Wish me luck!

(ffffound, mirandakerronline,,
Stay strong & carry on,